Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lines (5 photos)

This photo I find instresting because the lines are not leading, they are just placed as a little walk way to the water. You have all these surroundings such as the sky, the water, the sand, and the little forest in the background but the main focus is very easy which is the lines in the walk way. They aren't straightly placed either, they seem kind of slanted so it gives it a good look.

 This one to the right, I find extremely intriging because you have the escalator stairs that go one way, and the actual rails going up, which are leading lines to lead you to the very top. The lighting for this is also really good to be in black and white. The shades are different so you can tell which part has light hitting it and which does not.

This Photo above is simple, the subject isn't in the center but using the rule of thirds. The lines of the colums lead you to the subject. I find this a typical leading line photograph without the actual leading lines.

The picture with the wood is pretty cool looking. It has the typical leading line, with other log pieces leading the photo somewhere else. It makes you wonder why the wood is there, and what is it's purpose. You can see a bit of texture in the wood which makes the photo pretty intresting because no wood looks the same.
This picture is an S Curve picture which means it has a main focus leading line in this photo it is the sand, and the water. The S curve is a pretty intresting photo, and it is used often for shaping women.

My Honest Opinion (My lines)

Honest Opinion ; My honest opinon is that I could of done a much better job at finding or at least creating a line scene for my photography. The two photos I have above were quickly taken. I really like the Star Clip though. My center of intrest was indeed not in the center but to the top right. Plus I really like the fact that the vent has lines vertical and lines horizontal, it gives you way more to look at than just the lines going one way. The second one was taken more at an angle because I was trying to have the leading lines, I don't think it worked out to well, but I am pleased with the pictures.

Jim Brandenburg DVD

 Describe your favorite photograph that Jim Brandenburg took on his 90 day journey and why you were drawn to the image. What elements of composition did he use?

My favorite photo that Brandenburg took was of the pine leaf with the dead carcus in the back, the dead carcus was out of focus and he focused on the leaf. It left me wondering what exactly he saw of the dead deer carcus. I thought it was his best photograph, I deeply love this photo. Also, his center of attention was clear, but unfocused. It left you wondering, and I really like that.

 Why do you think Jim Brandenburg decided to take on a project where he allowed himself
only one photograph every day for 90 days?

I think he decided to do a 90 day project because he gave him something to try and capture and actually work hard for, it takes time and patience to do something like that. He wanted a magnificant picture for each day and only one at that. It is a brillant idea to try and practice and make your photography work almost perfect.

 In your journal, find at least four Jim Brandenburg photographs online and add them to this journal entry.